In future, entries will be found at this address. I may re-name the chapters to be more descriptive. Or not.
"A nation of sheep soon begets a government of wolves."
--Edward R. Murrow
“Some people who aren’t partisans say, ‘Yes, the economy’s pretty good, so why are people so agitated and anxious?’ ” said Frank Luntz, a Republican campaign consultant. “The answer is they don’t feel it in their weekly paychecks.”As if there was a difference?
But Mr. Luntz predicted that the economic mood would not do significant damage to Republicans this fall because voters blamed corporate America, not the government, for their problems.
“There are two economies out there,” Mr. Cook, the political analyst, said. “One has been just white hot, going great guns. Those are the people who have benefited from globalization, technology, greater productivity and higher corporate earnings.I think somebody's starting to get it. Then when I see this:
“And then there’s the working stiffs,’’ he added, “who just don’t feel like they’re getting ahead despite the fact that they’re working very hard. And there are a lot more people in that group than the other group.”
“Many aren’t seeing significant increases in their take-home pay,” Mr. Paulson said. “Their increases in wages are being eaten up by high energy prices and rising health care costs, among others.”I realize the same old horseshit is still circulating in the nation's political veins.
At the same time, he said that the Bush administration was not responsible for the situation, pointing out that inequality had been increasing for many years. “It is neither fair nor useful,” Mr. Paulson said, “to blame any political party.”
"Public outrage is clearly growing over the federal government's woefully inadequate program for housing the hundreds of thousands of people displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Last week a group of survivors filed the first of what are likely to be several lawsuits alleging that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has failed to live up to its responsibilities. The recovery effort has been subject to blistering criticism from conservative, nonpartisan and liberal groups alike."Outrage" barely expresses it. Everywhere you go in New Orleans and environs you can see the anger, written on the sides of buildings ("Screw you, Nagin, we made our own plan"), spelled out on broken signs with magnetic letters ("Where was FEMA?"), scrawled on the ruined appliances that litter the streets ("Build a crap wall. What Katrina left, Wilma will take"), on homemade signs propped up in the piles of detritus and trash unbiquitous to the curbs in front of almost every house ("Evacuate Broussard" "Thanks, Aaron!"), and on the T-shirts sold by small vendors in the Quarter ("FEMA: Federal Employees Missing Again").
The same basic question is this: Why did the Bush administration focus on trailer parks built by FEMA - which is actually not a housing agency - instead of giving the lead role to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which has so much experience on this issue?"
"The broken bodies of rotted and collapsed buildings have become billboards for the anger and pain of the people of NOLA and the towns surrounding it. Sprawled over 4 corners (of an intersection) and down half the city blocks beyond, piles of ruined stuffed animals 6 or 7 feet high, the ruins of a warehouse that held a man's entire livelihood. Delicate little houses with wrought ironwork and still-vibrant paint jobs, broken, rotting, and abandoned for miles. The fluorescent red or orange "X" painted on house after house, a sign left by those who entered searching for bodies or the still-living in need of rescue. At the top is the date of inspection--most are dated around 9/15 or later, some as late as early October. On the left, the initials of the inspecting group.On my day off wandering the French Quarter, one of the last people I talked to before leaving New Orleans was a small, sweet Filipino woman who ran a little souvenir shop across from the French Market. She told me how her children,ages 10 to 16, lived in Florida now because there was no place for them to stay since the storm had destroyed her house. How she was waiting and waiting and waiting for FEMA to provide her with a trailer. How the insurance company had kissed her off. How determined she was to stay on and keep trying. I told her about the Vietnamese community of Willowbrook, still deprived of power and water and being pressured to allow their land to be condemned, and the people of Lakeview, who came up to our trucks sobbing, who told us of having no income for 2 months and being made to jump through hoops by the city (set up an inspection of the property which will take half a month, then wait, then send in over $100 for the permit) in order to repair their homes. I shared with her the stories other residents had shared with me, and it made her feel less alone. We hugged and cried together.
At the bottom, the number of dead found; usually that was a "0", meaning none. To see a number other than the struck through zero there always gave me a chill. The letters in the right side of the cross still remain a mystery. Sometimes they seemed to indicate a direction, as in "NE". Other times they made no sense at all. And often I'd see "TFW" written (inside a circle). I still don't know what it is. The SPCA would sometimes weigh in, as well. Their messages were easy to decipher: "K-9 moved to corner"; "1 dog alive"; "2 cats under house"; and sometimes "no dogs" or "1 dead cat".
Between these signs and messages, and the words written by the ones who had to leave in anger and bitterness, even the parts of NOLA that are still and lifeless vibrate with a thousand voices, reaching out to communicate with anyone who comes after. "Help! Help! Help!" reads the house on the street in the lower Ninth Ward. Places where not a living thing moves can make the tears come, when you read the stories that have been left there. Holes in roofs torn by the desperate, trapped inside their houses while trying to escape rising waters, still gape to remind us of their terror.
To imagine living here, constantly facing the massive deconstruction on every corner, in every yard, with your entire environment looking like one big landfill;
to live growing numb to the ugliness; to expect mud, cracked earth, endless dust, to always be hacking and coughing, living with low-level respiratory ailments; to wait without hope for salvation from the insurance company, the city, the federal government, to live with price gouging. To live in tents.
At home it has rained endlessly, and been cold. Here, the sun has shone everyday, and the earth is parched. Hurricane Wilma's hellacious winds sent water into the Ninth Ward again Tuesday, and what small progress made there was halted.I wish I could say I'll miss NOLA, or Louisiana, but I won't. It's too flat for my soul, and I miss the seasons. Fall doesn't exist here, at least in a way that makes sense to a Yankee. The few Halloween decorations I've noticed look as out of place as a Christmas tree in the middle of a bandstand on a summer night. But most of all, I won't miss the constant low-level misery, the endless fighting back against despair that is the lot of every person here. I've come to love the strength, humor, and compassion of the local people. But I don't have enough of any of those qualities to bear their miseries."
As of April, the last time such figures were compiled, there were still 750,000 displaced by Katrina and the two hurricanes that followed, Rita and Wilma, according to Bob Howard, communications director for the Washington-based Red Cross Hurricane Recovery Programme.And of course, there are the apparently bottomless scandals and exposures of incompetence. Katrina was not just a New Orleans tragedy, but my personal experience was with NOLA. I sat in helpless horror in front of the television day after day, and read seemingly endless reports of the spiraling ante of deaths, horrors and bureaucratic ineptitude. My posting at that time here, on Corrente, and The American Street, was as much an attempt to make sense of the thing as it was to gather and transmit information, but the more I posted, the less sense it made. Clearly, what stands out most in my mind from that time was how George Bush played the fool for days while people died, then puffed out his chest and rejected international offers of aid, purely out of personal pride and vanity, until Condi slapped him around a little. We all know now how well he handled it on his own...just about as well as he handles everything else. (See Think Progess' excellent Katrina Timeline.)
Today’s real estate market, by the numbers.
Key statistics on real estate markets in Pennsylvania, DC, Northern Virginia, and Suburban Maryland.
The chart below provides a snapshot of key real estate markets within the Corus service area, and shows how the market compares with the same time last year. Here are a few of our observations about these figures:
* In most markets, it takes more than twice as long to sell a home as it did last year.
* In the Delaware Valley, the number of active listings is 50% greater than last year; in the DC area, there are 2 to 3 times as many listings.
* The high inventory level is getting worse. Last month, the number of new listings hitting the market was 2 to 3 times the number of properties that went under contract.
* Home prices have held steady. With only the exception of Loudoun County, VA, average home prices are up between 1% and 11% in each of our markets.
Home construction in the U.S. dropped last month to the lowest level in almost two years after higher mortgage rates slowed sales and left builders with bloated inventories.
Housing starts fell 2.5 percent, more than forecast, to an annual rate of 1.795 million, a Commerce Department report showed today. Building permits, a sign of future construction, declined 6.5 percent, the most since September 1999.
The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo's index of builder confidence fell plunged this month to the lowest level in 15 years. The Standard and Poor's 500 Homebuilding Index, made up of five of the largest U.S. builders, has fallen by more than a third this year, the second-worst performance among S&P 500 industry groups.
Horsham, Pennsylvania-based Toll Brothers Inc., the largest U.S. luxury homebuilder, said homebuilding revenue in the quarter ended in July fell for the first time in four years. The company, which will release its earnings on Aug. 22, may report lower profits for the first time since 2002.
"Nervous buyers are canceling contracts for homes already under construction," Robert Toll, the builder's chairman and chief executive officer, said on a conference call with analysts and investors on Aug. 9. The downturn "appears as though it will last for at least six months more, or it could last for two years more."
Homebuyer affordability declined in June to the lowest level since record-keeping began in 1989, according to the National Association of Realtors. The median price kept rising and mortgage rates increased.
In Las Vegas, at least three major condo projects backed by high-wattage investors such as George Clooney, Michael Jordan and Ivana Trump have been put on hold. Developers also have deep-sixed major complexes in Philadelphia and Miami.
A (very) high end property on the Main LineWords fail me.
This home, currently under construction, is the most expensive home currently listed in Montgomery County, PA.
For Sale: 610 N Spring Mill Rd, Villanova, PA. $12,500,000.
Even in the most expensive areas of the Delaware Valley, we don’t see too many homes in this price range. This new home promises to set a new standard for high end properties in the area. Even if this isn’t exactly in your price range, it’s interesting to see what’s possible.
This home is located on Spring Mill Road in the “Estate District” of the Main Line. It is currently in its early stages of planning and construction. When complete, this home will have approximately 20,000 square feet of living space in 4 acres. It has 7 bedrooms, 9 full baths, and 2 half baths. Amenities include a squash court, tennis court, pool, formal gardens, a multi-car garage. The home also includes a ballroom and screening room.
You're morally obligated to speak up. And you know what? I don't even care if you disagree with what they're doing. Stand up and SAY THAT. At least have the courage of your convictions.
I can't imagine the size of the Mrs. Beasley's muffin basket you sent to Mel Gibson thanking him for getting your name out of the trades for a little while. And yeah, sure, being a drunken bigot's a little rougher than being the postermodel for the Reality Sweatshop Movement, but at least that motherfucker knows how to make a strong choice and COMMIT TO THE MOMENT. He's like some fantastic Stanislavsky/Martin Boorman love child conjuring sense memories from his Holocaust-denying father while staggering Kurtz-like through Malibu waiting for Leni Refenstahl to yell cut and fix it all in post.
But I digress. The point is, at least Mel cares enough to call.
The government vigorously investigated and prosecuted Passaro to hold him responsible for his illegal personal acts. His actions were in direct violation of his contract, CIA standing orders, our government's policies, and the law. He was found guilty and I believe he deserved it.
Passaro was the problem, not the government. I doubt seriously that he was a perfectly normal person before going to work under contract to the government and then miraculously changed overnight because of his work for the government. If a city worker commits a crime while on duty we don't lynch the mayor. If we did, we'd have a new one every day!
Liberals have a nasty habit of holding no one personally responsible for their actions, instead blaming it all on "the government." I don't think the facts revealed in court during this case support that position here. Passaro was a bad apple, and our government firmly hauled him in to account for his crimes.
Posted by: jaycee at August 18, 2006 04:26 PM
The government vigorously investigated and prosecuted Passaro to hold him responsible for his illegal personal acts.
Riggsveda's point was that the prosecution actually wasn't all that vigorous.
Passaro was the problem, not the government.
Given the government's unseemly eagerness to torture, that statement is simply laughable.
Liberals have a nasty habit of holding no one personally responsible for their actions, instead blaming it all on "the government."
Talk about your non sequitur. Riggsveda was saying that the government AND Passaro should be held accountable, not that the government should be held accountable INSTEAD of Passaro. She also was saying that Passaro got off light.
And given your protestations in light of the fact that two federal courts have now pretty much accused the president directly of breaking U.S. (NSA case) and international (Hamdan case) law, your implication that only conservatives value "personal responsibility" is, to be polite, amusing.
Posted by: Lex at August 18, 2006 04:32 PM
Lex, to date NO CASE has been made that the US government ordered, condoned, or sanctioned any torture of any kind as defined by legal authority. NONE.
Each and every case has been proven to be an illegal act committed by an individual in disobeyance of his/her orders, policies, guidelines, and the law.
Again, if a sanitation worker commits a crime while at work, does that mean the city government is guilty of the crime or ordered the employee to commit it?
I'm sorry you hate our government, but don't blame it for the individual criminal acts of it's employees.
Posted by: jaycee at August 18, 2006 07:25 PM
Mora’s memo, however, shows that almost from the start of the Administration’s war on terror the White House, the Justice Department, and the Department of Defense, intent upon having greater flexibility, charted a legally questionable course despite sustained objections from some of its own lawyers.These incidents are policy. They are not isolated, not unapproved, and for every one we find out about because it couldn’t be adequately concealed, there are probably hundreds more. Far from making the US safer, they do nothing but make more enemies for us, and at the same time, coarsen and harden us to any possibility of empathy or diplomacy. This is not the country I believe in. Making excuses for the men who are destroying it from the inside does not help us regain our morality. Calling them to account and stopping them from dragging us all down with them does not, in my books, mean hating one's country. On the contrary, it often seems the only ones left who truly do care about our nation are the ones willing to stand up to these power-mad maniacs who constantly pose as our saviors.
A North Carolina jury today convicted a former Central Intelligence Agency contractor of felony assault for severely beating an Afghan prisoner who died soon after.One of the many obtuse defenses mounted by Passaro's legal team was this:
The contractor, David A. Passaro, 40, a former Army Special Forces medic who went to work for the C.I.A. in Afghanistan in 2003, is the first civilian to be convicted as a result of numerous allegations of prisoner abuse in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and in the broader campaign against terrorism. He faces a maximum of 11½ years in prison.
The trial, in federal court in Raleigh, N.C., near Mr. Passaro’s town of Lillington, included testimony from clandestine C.I.A. officers who wore disguises to protect their identities, and it drew close attention from human rights advocates.
Witnesses said Mr. Passaro repeatedly hit Abdul Wali, a local farmer suspected of firing rockets at American troops, using a heavy flashlight and his fists. They said Mr. Wali was in such pain that he pleaded to be shot, and he died the day after a second day of abuse by Mr. Passaro.
Mr. Passaro’s lawyers said he was not trained in interrogation and was under pressure to stop the frequent rocket attacks at the remote base near the Pakistan border. They said Mr. Passaro had attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on Mr. Wali after he lost consciousness.So a man who had been a police officer, who was trained as a medic, with a history of violence and sadistic behavior, was simply clueless as to the effect he was having when he kicked the prisoner in the groin so hard he flew into the air (hard enough to rupture his intestines or fracture his pelvis and render him unable to urinate), or when he repeatedly smashed him with a 2 foot long metal flashlight as he was chained to the floor, and all of it done with an eye to causing the minimum detectable damage (woman- and child-beaters are especially good at causing excruciating pain and debilitation where it can't be seen.) For 2 days. While Wali begged to be killed.
David Passaro, 38, is charged with assault on a female, injury to personal property and misdemeanor larceny.Back in March of this year, the judge let him out to prepare a defense in the upcoming trial under this condition:
U.S. Marshals also detained Passaro on a federal warrant of violating the conditions of his pretrial release.
Harnett County Sheriff's deputies responded to a domestic dispute report at Passaro's Lillington home Thursday afternoon and met his girlfriend, Bonnie Heart, at a neighbor's residence.
Heart, a former Wake Forest police detective, told deputies that Passaro threw her into a hallway and pushed her into a door and a glass storm door during an argument over some phone calls.
Heart also alleged that Passaro threw her cell phone and other property into the yard and pulled earrings from her ears and threw them into a trashcan as she was trying to drive off, authorities said.
Boyle ordered Passaro to post a Lillington property as bond, wear an electronic monitor and not to have any contact with his ex-girlfriend, ex-wife, and child.Why? Because:
Prosecutors said in court documents made public Tuesday that they want Passaro's stepson, 26-year-old Matthew Michael Newman, to testify about how Passaro beat him until he was a teenager. It will be up to a judge to decide whether Newman, his mother and his sister can testify about childhood abuse.He knew what he was doing because he used his stepson as training bait:
Prosecutors argue that Passaro's prior conduct with his stepson will help prove to the jury that the former Green Beret knew what he was doing when he used a flashlight to beat Wali during an interrogation.
Prosecutors detailed the similarities between how Newman says Passaro beat him and how Passaro is charged with beating Wali.A real specimen of American manhood--an ex-cop, complete with a scared ex-wife, a record of assaulting a neighbor, and the usual cast of dopey bystanders who thought he was "a real nice guy".
Newman, a former Marine, told federal officials that Passaro would interrogate him about minor household mishaps from a spill to a damaged screen door. Newman says Passaro would beat him with a stick wrapped in cloth to avoid leaving marks on his body. Newman says Passaro also would beat him with a spoon, a hammer and a flashlight on the elbows, upper arms, legs and outer thighs -- locations that lessen the likelihood of leaving marks, prosecutors say.
Passaro also demonstrated to Newman the technique of shining a flashlight to temporarily blind a person and then striking him with the flashlight. On one occasion, Newman says Passaro ordered him to use the technique on a child who had stolen Newman's candy.
After about eight hours of deliberations, a federal jury found Passaro guilty of three counts of simple assault and one count of assault resulting in serious bodily injury, lesser charges than prosecutors had sought. He faces up to 11 1/2 years in prison, and no sentencing date was immediately set.Originally he had been charged with 2 counts of assault with a dangerous weapon with intent of bodily harm, and 2 counts of assault resulting in serious bodily injury, facing up to 40 years in jail and a million dollar fine. What happened? It looks from here like a failure of will:
Justice Department officials have said one obstacle to more severe charges was the absence of an autopsy, which they said was not performed on Mr. Wali because his family opposed it.Absence of an autopsy? Prosecutors didn't even need a body to convict Tom Capano of murder:
In a crime that had no body, no gun and no witnesses, Capano was convicted of shooting Fahey, 30, the scheduling secretary to then-Gov. Tom Carper, because she was breaking off a secret affair with him. Capano dumped her body in the Atlantic off Stone Harbor. She was last seen alive dining with Capano in an Old City restaurant.The difference between the Capano case and Passaro's is this: witnesses observed the injuries, listened to Passaro bragging about what he did, and actually watched him in action. There were pictures of Wali's body. In Capano's case, there was none of that.
A North New Portland woman accused of helping her daughter make cookies laced with the laxative Ex-Lax appeared before a judge Monday and pleaded innocent to a single charge of misdemeanor assault.But Passaro should be used to misdemeanor assault charges. It's the typical charge brought against abusive men in DV cases, when they're charged at all. It's a big ho-hum. He can do it standing on his head.
People think this man has been railroaded; scapegoated; used as a distraction from other, worse things, and he probably has. But he threw up a bullshit pretense of protecting my country and used the example set by the loathesome fungii in the White House to cover up his longstanding cruelty and sadism, and he needs to be held to account.Violation of TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 113B >
§ 2332b.Acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries
(a) Prohibited Acts.—
(1) Offenses.— Whoever, involving conduct transcending national boundaries and in a circumstance described in subsection (b)—
(A) kills, kidnaps, maims, commits an assault resulting in serious bodily injury, or assaults with a dangerous weapon any person within the United States; or
(B) creates a substantial risk of serious bodily injury to any other person by destroying or damaging any structure, conveyance, or other real or personal property within the United
States or by attempting or conspiring to destroy or damage any structure, conveyance, or other real or personal property within the United States; in violation of the laws of any State, or the United States, shall be punished as prescribed in subsection (c).
(2) Treatment of threats, attempts and conspiracies.— Whoever threatens to commit an offense under paragraph (1), or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be punished under subsection (c).
(b) Jurisdictional Bases.—
(1) Circumstances.— The circumstances referred to in subsection (a) are—
(D) the structure, conveyance, or other real or personal property is, in whole or in part, owned, possessed, or leased to the United States, or any department or agency of the United States;
(E) the offense is committed in the territorial sea (including the airspace above and the seabed and subsoil below, and artificial islands and fixed structures erected thereon) of the United States; or
(F) the offense is committed within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
(c) Penalties.—
(1) Penalties.— Whoever violates this section shall be punished—
(A) for a killing, or if death results to any person from any other conduct prohibited by this section, by death, or by imprisonment for any term of years or for life;
(B) for kidnapping, by imprisonment for any term of years or for life;
(C) for maiming, by imprisonment for not more than 35 years;
(D) for assault with a dangerous weapon or assault resulting in serious bodily injury, by imprisonment for not more than 30 years;
(2) Consecutive sentence.— Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the court shall not place on probation any person convicted of a violation of this section; nor shall the term of imprisonment imposed under this section run concurrently with any other term of imprisonment.
How powerful would it be if every New Orleanian currently living in Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, and every other town across the country, sat down at the same time to recognize the losses of the last year and to reaffirm their connection to the city? And how great would it be if this ritual centered around the favorite activity of every homegrown New Orleanian, eating? The entire New Orleans diaspora could sit down simultaneously, fork in hand, to tell the world that this was a special place, a special community, one worth fighting to restore.Amen. I was only a New Orleanian for a month, but my heart is still down there. In solidarity with the folks, I plan to do the same (and ironically, I'll be away from home, too.)
"Yeah, bin Laden urging people, essentially, to vote for Kerry." (What the tape actually said is here)Or this:
"Does anyone truly doubt that Osama's video is little more than a crude, evil attempt to aid John Kerry's efforts to defeat President Bush?"Or this:
"A vote for Kerry is a vote for European anti-Semitism. And terrorists. In Iraq...and Israel. It's a vote for Hamas and Hezbollah, Syria and Iran."
“As the sun began to set on Friday, October 29 (2004), they gathered on the seventh floor. The new that day was the so-called “October Surprise” broadcast by bin Laden. He hadn’t shown himself in nearly a year. But now, four days before the election, his spectral presence echoed into every American home. It was a surprisingly complete statement by the al Qaeda leader about his motivations, his actions, and his view of the current American landscape. He praised Allah and, through most of the eighteen minutes, attacked Bush, tapping diverse sources from Michael Moore’s movie Fahrenheit 9/11 to statements he’d made to CNN, Time magazine, various outlets of the mainstream media, much reviled by the administration, and interviews with liberal journalists. He mocked Bush for being stupid, and deceptive, and corrupted by big oil and big business entanglements, like those with Halliburton. At the end, he managed to be dismissive of Kerry, but it was an afterthought in his “anyone but Bush” treatise (snip)It is to our everlasting shame that we as a people became so morally and intellectually debased that we not only voted this man back into office, but continue to excuse his outrages. Only an election like that of Connecticutt's offers even a glimmer of hope tha we may be finding our way out of this darkness.
Inside the CIA, of course, the analysis moved on a different track. They had spent years, as had a similar bin Laden unit at FBI, parsing each expressed word of the al-Qaeda leader and his deputy, Zawahiri. What they’d learned over nearly a decade is that bin Laden speaks only for strategic reasons---and those reasons are debated with often startling depth inside the organization’s leadership. Their assessments, at day’s end, are a distillate of the kind of secret, internal conversations that the American public, and by association the wider world community, were not sanctioned to hear: strategic analysis.
Today’s conclusion: bin Laden’s message was clearly designed to assist the President’s re-election.
At the five o’clock meeting, once various reports on the latest threats were delivered, (Deputy Director) John McLaughlin opened the issue with the consensus view: “Bin Laden certainly did a nice favor today for the President.”
Around the table there were nods. (snip) (Deputy Associate Director of Intelligence) Jami Miscik talked about how bin Laden---being challenged by Zarqawi’s rise---clearly understands how his primacy as al Qaeda’s leader was supported by the continuation of his eye-to-eye struggle with Bush. “Certainly,” she offered, “he would want Bush to keep doing what he’s doing for a few more years.”
But an ocean of hard truths before them---such as what did it say about U.S. policies that bin Laden would want Bush reelected---remained untouched. (snip)
Yet there were some who’d already arrived at this shoreline among those at the very top of the government. While CIA glimpsed at the issue of bin Laden’s motivations and turned away, there were those who understood just how acutely this heated, global dialogue---of ideas and message and the preservation of power, of us and them---was a mirror game, a two-way street. On that score, any number of NSC principals could tell you something so dizzying that not even they will touch it: that Bush’s ratings track with bin Laden’s ratings in the Arab world.
No one doubts that George W. Bush is earnest when he thinks of the victims of 9/11 and speaks of his longing to bring the culprits to justice. Yet he is an ambitious man, atop a nation of ambitious and complex desires, who knows that when the al Qaeda leader displays his forceful presence, his own approval ratings rise, and vice versa."
Today's Philadelphia Inquirer is reporting that instead of linking to the Arabic television news service Al-Jazeera's web site, US Senator Rick Santorum directed viewers of a commercial to a site operated by a Georgia based group interested in "promote cross-cultural understanding between people all over the world."Setting aside the ridiculous (and racist) linkage of a news organization to terrorism simply because it's mostly run by and for Arabs and Muslims, what the hell could have been running through Santorum's head when he approved this absurdity? Did he really think boring, conservative old Bob Casey was aiding and abetting terrorists? If he did, he's a bigger nutcase than I previously suspected, and should be immediately removed from office and placed on anti-psychotics. If he didn't, he's a liar, a hypocrite, and a cynically manipulative whore. In either case, how much more does Pennsylvania need to see to realize that this guy has turned us into a laughingstock, a stereotype of rubes and geezers who'll rally around anybody who screams abortion and terrorists while waving a flag? And of course, living up to his recent reputation for incompetence (evidently a prerequisite for the Bush administration and its minions) Rickie can't even get this low blow right:
The commercial, part of Santorum's reelection effort, was in reference to an endorsement of his opponent, Bob Casey Jr.
Santorum referenced it himself Thursday on Fox's O'Reilly Factor.Oh? What kind of sentiments are those, Ginny? Xenophobia? Ignorance? Racism? No, I guess it doesn't make a difference. Your man comes up looking either like a fool, a knave, or a mean-spirited moron, and he can count on the votes of like-minded loons. But I think this election year, saner heads will prevail.
But there was one little wrinkle.
The Web site was not related to the Arabic TV network based in the Middle East - spelled al-Jazeera, no h.
The goal of al-Jazeerah, according to its Web site, is to "promote cross-cultural understanding between people all over the world." It's based in Dalton, Ga., not Qatar...
Santorum's spokeswoman, Virginia Davis, said it doesn't make a difference. "We thought we should share these kind of sentiments."
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