Monday, November 29, 2004

What He Said

In the seasonal spirit of reconciliation and peace, I reach out to Andrew Sullivan, and embrace his posture of aghastness:
"Watching images of people bursting through department door stores and trampling each other for a cheap DVD player at 5.30 am makes me wonder if I belong to the same species. Yes, I know there are bargains. But please. The sheer frenzy, the entire mania of consumerism, the notion that meaning is to be found in buying things and giving these things to other people or to yourself - it all leaves me cold. That's one reason I'm such a Christmas-phobe. Each year, we have a communal campaign to persuade ourselves that we never have enough, the new things will assuage our real needs, that buying is the same as living. "

I promised myself not to blog this, but I really don't understand the need or desire to drag oneself through 9 circles of shopping hell the day after the mental and physical stress of Thanksgiving. Take it from me...the best way to spend Black Friday is at home, listening to holiday music, decorating the house with the festive festoonery, and hoisting any number of eggnogs, hot buttered rums, or other holiday spirits. Don't go anywhere you can't get to on foot. Order in at dinnertime. Put a log on the fire if you have one. Spend the time with someone you love.

Aah, fuck this capitalistic orgy. Life is too short.

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