"...because of our specific concerns regarding apparent primacy of executive authority; a potential conflict of interest in the transition from Counsel to the President to Attorney General in enforcing the special counsel law; setting aside due process protections; and, uncertainty about whether inherent authority exists at the state and local level to enforce federal immigration policy, MALDEF cannot support his confirmation."Nice job, my fellow Amurricans! And Social Security and Medicare may be just a few years away from the long, slow death being dispensed by those Borgias in Congress! You'll feel so righteous someday, warming yourself by the fire of your moral values while your kids go broke trying to make enough money at the local big box to keep you in statins and Depends.

*Extra special shout-out to Arlen Specter and Rick Santorum, without whom the mighty Commonwealth of Pennsylvania might never have had the chance to become the drooling idiot sibling of the most populated states of the union.
(Cross-posted at The American Street.)
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