Monday, February 21, 2005

Santorum Alert

Rick's on a whirlwind tour of PA to flak for Bushco's war on old people. If you're in the Philly area and have the time, you can join up with the Philly For Change folks and help expose him to an alternate view of the universe at Drexel tomorrow:
"Sen. Rich Santorum is on tour of college campuses to promote
his privatizing of Social Security proposal. Defenders of
Social Security will be on hand to offer counter arguments to
his ideologically-charged diatribes against Social Security. We
will also have an informational picket walking outside the
auditorium. Join us at Drexel University's Creese Student
Center, 3210 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, from 9:30: to 11:30"
Go here and RSVP.

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